With warmer weather just around the corner there are sure to be plenty of fun festivals to attend across Canada & the United States this summer. Whether a food, music or family festival – there is always something for everyone. With that in mind, it’s important to remember how we can all be a little more eco-friendly while attending.
These festivals can be a lot of fun to attend whilst still being green. Things we should all keep in mind:
When possible, carpool or take transit to the event with family and friends not only does this save on fuel costs but it lowers our carbon foot impression
Bring BPA-free reusable water bottles with you, keeps plastic water bottle waste to a minimum while keeping everyone hydrated
Recycle when possible into the green bins provided on site
Try avoiding purchasing non-compostable catering products
Support greening efforts the festival may be promoting such as stalls selling local produce or fair trade goods
And, most importantly remember to have FUN!
Check out these awesome festivals happening across Canada & the USA this summer:
Are you involved in planning a festival for 2016? Do let us know if you need any Frogbox moving boxes to facilitate your upcoming celebration. We would love to assist your festival like we are doing with http://levitation-vancouver.com/ for the 2nd year running.
by Sylvia Cieslik – Frogbox Calgary
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