This endowment is to honour our friend and entrepreneur, Doug Burgoyne. Doug left us a year ago after a valiant battle against cancer but has remained firmly in the hearts and minds of his family, friends and colleagues.
Doug passionately believed that business and social responsibility were ultimately connected and that by combining profits with a higher purpose, a deeper level of success could be achieved. He believed in the concept of sustainable prosperity, a vision that views an organization’s success as financial progress in step with environmental and socially responsible principals.
Doug, personally and through his company Frogbox, cared about people and the planet. He became widely recognized as a business leader, after being featured on the Dragon’s Den, and winning, and has served as an inspiration to the business community at large
It’s clear that in his short life, Doug hade a tremendous impact on business. Perhaps most importantly though, he was known as true and trusted friend a devoted and caring father and a loving and committed husband. We are deeply grateful for the work and the passion that Doug brought to life and are dedicated to continuing his legacy through this endowment.
The recipient of the money raised here will receive a full scholarship to Social Venture Institute at Hollyhock where they will have access to the same experiences, information and contacts that were part of Doug’s success story. Every dollar donated will go into the fund and any extra monies will go toward future bursaries.
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