Sustainable Futures is a not-for-profit organization operating in Boise, Idaho. Their mission is to address social, environmental and economic needs in the community, helping the underserved to build work maturity while making recycled glass products.
Your name and profession
Carlyn Blake, Executive Director for Sustainable Futures
Describe yourself in ten words or less
Tenacious,fearless, great sense of humor, loving, energetic, happy, purposeful
Where does your passion for sustainability derive from?
I never really cared much about sustainability as a whole. I just wanted to solve tough problems and I found several when it comes to glass recycling in this community. It was a challenge to even think that I could have an impact.
What progress have you seen in environmental initiatives in Boise over the past few years?
Not much really. The community as a whole doesn’t seem to care much about glass recycling, the City of Boise is slow to help, and our legislators won’t pass anything significant, especially concerning glass. We still have a pit that has more than 8K tons of glass just sitting there with no real plans for use.
Why was sustainable futures started?
It was created for dual purposes: to recycle glass in this community and help people with employment barriers find permanent work so they could support themselves and their families. Since we cut our first glass in 2008 we have been making an impact on glass recycling in this community. Last year we recycled 45,000 bottles and this year we are on pace to recycle 60,000 bottles. That’s two bottles in every seat at BSU stadium! These numbers are certainly impressive, but more importantly we have helped over 50 people find permanent employment through our program. That’s 50 families that are supported by wages paid by an employer rather than by state or federal funds. We are very proud of these numbers even though some would say that we are still too young and that the numbers aren’t statistically significant. We’ll keep measuring our successes as we continue to grow and someday we will be able to report that we are making a significant impact!
Tell us about what you make, and what is your favorite? (I think mine would have to be the Absolut cups!)
This is a tough one! I think my favorite glass of all time is a painted beer glass we made from a 22oz Lukcy Basartd Ale bottle made by Arrogant Bastard. It’s both rude and cool.
How can someone get involved?
Just send me an e-mail. I will find an opportunity for you that matches your passion. We need so much help including bottle collection, website design, research and development, production efficiency, inventory control, sales, and much more.
What are a few things that individuals at home absolutely should be doing to reuse or recycle everyday items?
Take advantage of your community’s recycling program. If you don’t know then let your kids guide you…they know.
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