It seems like only yesterday we proposed the 'eco-summer challenge' to you. Now with September right around the corner we want to keep the green streaking going with our green back to school special!
First of all, we just want to remind you that it’s going to be OK. Fall isn’t so bad – Halloween, pretty foliage, better sports on TV. And hey, rumor has it summer will be back same time next year!
What better way to kick off this school year than with a clean and green conscience. Here are some handy tips that can save you a buck while making both your mother and Mother Nature proud.
• Only get what you absolutely need – Although you may have depleted the majority of your resources last school year, chances are you still have some supplies left over. Take inventory of what you already have before you put that 30 pack of pencils in your basket.
• Welcome green alternatives – many stores now carry eco-friendly alternatives such as bio-degradable pencils, refillable pens and recycled paper (if you absolutely have to use paper!)
• Repeat after me: “I vow to write on both sides of the paper” – resist the urge to place your aesthetic intentions above the environment. You can easily reduce your paper consumption to half (or by three quarters if you are also double spacing!)
• Eco-hydrating – There is no reason you should be buying bottled water at school. Go out and find a bottle that you adore and keep it with you at all times. In addition to the glorious benefits of staying hydrated, you may also save yourself a substantial amount of money.
• Carpool – Organize a carpool, walk or take your bike to school. The carbon emissions that are expelled from driving to and from school each day are extremely harmful. With the money you save on gas and parking at the end of the year, you could practically go out and get a new laptop!
• Swap, share and trade – before you go out and purchase new books or supplies, see if you can borrow, trade or even purchase second-hand.
• Ditch the bags – You may have thought it was uncool to carry around a Garfield lunch box – but I assure you that there is nothing cool about a brown paper bag. Get some reusable plastic containers to pack your sandwich and snacks. You should not be leaving behind a pile of garbage after recess.
Feel good about going back to school this fall. Be an ambassador for green and share this with your fellow students.
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