It depends… Not so many if you're in the Mini Cooper convertable! If you have Community Cars' pick-up truck, mini Van or even one of over 10 hatchbacks you'll fit quite a few. Thanks to our new partnership with Madison's car sharing program, Community Car, FrogBox customers can now get half off their new application fee at Community Car so there is no better time to find out just how many FrogBoxES fit in a Community Car. So if you're considering using FrogBox on your next move but aren't sure how you'll transport them – consider Community Car.
There's a $35 refund on your FrogBoxorder to the first person to tell us exactly how many FrogBoxES they fit in their Community Car.
We want to give you $15 off your next order just for signing up to get our emails.They're charming, witty & we'll never share your info with anyone else - promise.