Franchise: K-W FrogBox
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What ares do you service?
Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville
What would you love to build out of FrogBoxES?
Whenever I travel up north into cottage country, you see many inuksuks at the sides of the roads and I started thinking…wouldn’t a FrogBox inuksuk look more cool.
When did you start to hate cardboard?
When I found out how huge amounts of our valuable water is used to recycle such a small amount of cardboard
What’s the craziest use of a FrogBox you’ve seen?
A cat using them to get a “birds-eye” view of the backyard – see attached pic
How did you first hear about FrogBox? Why did you choose to partner with FrogBox?
Like many of our customers, The Dragon’s Den of course. A very innovative and convenient idea that is also eco-friendly too.
What are your goals for your region?
To have people think FrogBox is synonymous with ease of moving
Do you have any message to the people of your area?
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