Replacing the traditional cardboard moving box with a FrogBox is a great way to go green, but on average, North Americans only move once every 5 years. One simple thing most people can do every day that will make a positive impact on the environment, and their community is swap out that paper coffee cup for a re-usable mug. It’s such a simple idea that is easily implemented in our every day life and collectively, it could make a huge impact. I recently came across this article in the Seattle Times – “Drive to drop paper coffee cup brews in Seattle” which points out that Americans go through 56 billion (with a B) paper cups every year.
Reduce first, Reuse what you can, and then Recycle
Many paper coffee cups can’t be recycled due to the material that lines them. Even if they can be recycled, the recycling process uses energy and large amounts of the original material are lost in the process. Re-use is better! The concept that makes this switch so green is the principle of re-use (Also part of what makes us so green! See: “What makes FrogBox Green”. Just as with FrogBox, the real sustainability of the switch comes from re-using the product hundreds of times. With that in mind, here are a few tips for making the switch:
Find a friend: Changing habits can be easier if you do it with someone, find a friend and commit to the switch together. Even if you can’t find someone to do it with you, just telling people that your going to make the switch can help keep you on track.
Get a good mug!: Remember, the longer you use it, the smaller the environmental “footprint”. It’s best to spend a little extra and get something well built and durable, it will make a big difference.
Wash responsibly: One common objection to switching to re-usable coffee cups is that there will be an increase in wasted water due to running a dishwasher more. Most travel mug’s come with warnings not to put them in the dish-washer, but if you are going to use a dish-washer, make sure it’s a full load. Just a couple ounces of water and a little soap is all you need to clean out your mug.
Have fun: Find a mug that you like and one that works for you, they come in all shapes and sizes with a variety of methods for keeping your coffee inside the mug. Don’t beat yourself up for the occasional “slip up” it’s the long term change that will really effect things.
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