It may seem like an overwhelming task to evaluate your relationship with carbon. Some folks tend to ignore the issue, because it seems too stressful. At FrogBox, we love to making moving less stressful. We also love to make it easier to take on a sustainable lifestyle.
Climate Smart Businesses Inc. is a Vancouver, British Columbia-based social enterprise that was launched by Ecotrust Canada, an enterprising nonprofit whose purpose is to build the conservation economy. Climate Smart grew out of the recognition that the engines of our local economies – small and medium-sized enterprises – have been largely overlooked in the development of policies and tools to address climate change.
In September 2009, we enrolled in the Climate Smart program. Doug Burgyone (the president of FrogBox) and Phil Harbut (FrogBox Toronto General Manager) were present. They taught how easy it is to take sustainability to the next level. “We can’t say enough about the program or their instructors. They present material in an easy to understand yet in depth way and have lots of real world experience and examples to drive their lessons home. Another benefit of becoming a Climatesmart business is the opportunity to network with other businesses that are making the commitment to lower their emissions,” said Doug.
Last month Mathieson Macrae, (our Vancouver General Manager) attended the course. “Climate Smart is great because I’m learning how to quantify an important personal commitment that had been vague until now. They have great tools and experience. And you go through the whole process with a small group of other committed individuals from a variety of organizations.” explained Mathieson.
We are so grateful to be connected to the community that Climate Smart has built. It is helpful for businesses to support one another through the process of “going green”. We hope to see these ideologies expand beyond our offices in Vancouver, Seattle and Toronto. Hopefully, we can build a worldwide network of Climate Smart businesses.
FrogBox offers a convenient, affordable and eco friendly alternative to the $5 billion North American cardboard moving box industry. They deliver reusable plastic boxes to individuals and businesses that are moving and then pick them up empty at the customer’s new locations. FrogBoxES save hours of time as there is no need to assemble and tape boxes prior to packing or break down and dispose of boxes after the move. The boxes are dropped off ready to pack and picked up after the move. FrogBoxES are reused hundreds of times giving them a much lower environmental impact than traditional moving supplies. They route their delivery trucks based on delivery location, use waste stream bio-diesel and donate 1% of sales to local frog habitat restoration projects. They currently serve Vancouver, Seattle and Toronto and began franchising throughout Canada and the US in 2011.
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