Collaboration and cooperation is key. If we don't work together, how can we facilitate sustainability?
Sustainable Seattle's Recognition program is inspired by their mission to create healthy communities, economies, and ecosystems by serving as an incubator for emerging people, projects, and ideas, as a convener of diverse citizens and practitioners, and as a catalyst for turning indicators into action. The purpose of the recognition program is to inspire, motivate and spur sustainability in our region by providing action steps.
The program is based on the goals and indicators in, a tool born of the Participatory Action Research or grassroots process. Sustainable Seattle's Whole Environment Building program works with local organizations to recognize and commend actions and behavior that foster natural, personal, built and social/community sustainability. Our STARs classes, and wealth of resources within our staff additionally offer a forum to continue sustainability efforts and allow for organizations to make minor changes which will ultimately result in overarching sustainability successes within Seattle.
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