FROGBOX provides low environmental impact moving boxes and moving supplies for residential and commercial moves. While we always do what we can to minimize our footprint we know that we still emit carbon in the delivery of our moving box service.
In order to further lower these emissions FROGBOX set out to become a Climatesmart Business. Climatesmart is a BC based social enterprise that assists companies to measure and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. We can't say enough about the program or their instructors. They present material in an easy to understand yet in depth way and have lots of real world experience and examples to drive their lessons home.
Another benefit of becoming a Climatesmart business is the opportunity to network with other businesses that are making the commitment to lower their emissions.
FROGBOX is now renting moving boxes in Seattle, Vancouver and most recently Toronto. As we continue our expansion across North America we will continue to use the lessons we learned to minimize our carbon footprint. If you run a business that is interested in lowering your footprint check out Climatesmart, it's a great program!
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