FROGBOX is sponsoring Dr. Kerry Kriger's talk on The Amphibian Extinction Crisis. Dr. Kriger, of SAVE THE FROGS!, has quickly become a world-renowned proponent for helping to stop the rapid decline of frog habitats.
Globally, frogs are currently disappearing faster than dinosaurs did, and Dr. Kriger will talk about ways we can reverse this trend. Kerry started Save The Frogs Day in 2008, and both the Mayor of Vancouver and the Governor of Virginia have officially recognized Save The Frogs Day, which will happen again next April.
Come be empowered by Kerry's talk, and see some live endangered and invasive frogs up close! Wednesday, August 12th, 7pm BCIT Main Campus, 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby Telus Theater SE6-233 Cost: $5.
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