Wow this is really cool – Seattle Realtor Matt Muhsam will rent FROGBOXES for people that list or buy their home through him, so they don't have to use cardboard when they move. Matt is entirely committed to being as genuinely green as possible, and works to separate himself from those who 'green wash' their company with a new logo but fundamentally change little.
Matt's fast growing, clout gaining blog Green Dwelling Seattle covers the latest information about eco-minded living and green dwelling projects in the Puget Sound. According to Matt, buildings are responsible for 40% of the materials and energy consumption worldwide, and as these become harder to come by it is important that we understand and identify with the issues involved.
Check back with Matt for home listings and regular blog posts.
We want to give you $15 off your next order just for signing up to get our emails.They're charming, witty & we'll never share your info with anyone else - promise.