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6 Tips for a Greener Halloween

Here at FrogBox we’re all about having fun and you know we’re into costumes – just check out our mascot! Halloween is a great holiday but it also often encourages the purchase of a lot of one-time-use disposable fun. In honour of this year’s Halloween (which is here tomorrow!), we’ve got some simple last minute tips to keep it fun, spooky and environmentally-responsible.
  1. Use What You’ve Got! – Think hard about what you’ve already got and have a look through the closet before you buy something new. Making a costume out of some old clothes can be extremely effective, even making a thrift store purchase means you aren’t purchasing costumes that can be disposable and harmful to the environment.
  2. Re-recycle! – Using old plastics, cans and bottle caps for costumes for kids as well as decorations give one more use for that late night snack!
  3. Paint It – Avoid Rubber/cardboard masks that are essentially single-use items, instead use eco-friendly face paint, perfect for the kids and an awesome activity that lets out your creative side!
  4. No Plastics Bags or Buckets – Reuse old pillow cases and decorating them with the kids, they can use them for years to come and will hold enough candy to keep them up all night long, perfect right?!
  5. Carve Smart – Decorations don’t all have to be plastic and cardboard, this year keep it natural with an abundance of pumpkins (carving is a fun, creative activity for the kids). Pumpkins can be composted – and hopefully you can use your compost for fertilizer next spring!
  6. Burn Smart – Candles keep it creepy – but paraffin isn’t the best for the environment, buy alternative soy-candles to keep those jack-o-lanterns burning
  7. Cardboard can be fun – we know there are better options when it comes to moving boxes! But most of us have some cardboard around or can find some easily and it’s a very workable, recyclable material for making fun costumes. Check out these examples.
Halloween is a great time to practice reducing, reusing and recycling in the name of good fun. Please share any tips or ideas of your own in the comments. And have a happy Halloween!