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2013: Year of the floods?

By Harj Thiara.

2013 has proven to be quite a testing year by Mother Nature. Could it be the year of the floods?

The FrogBox mission to reduce the stress from people’s lives extends to community care. Whether it is offering support during an environmental disaster, or taking part in events, helping the communities we serve is an integral part of our business.

This summer, Alberta and Ontario were struck with massive flooding. These floods left many people homeless and stranded without power and transportation. FrogBox Calgary gave support by offering potential clients with reduced rates of moving boxes for long term storage and existing customers with up to two extra weeks of service at no additional charge. In Toronto, organizations such as the Evergreen Brickworks (a non-profit that implements sustainable practices in the city) experienced damages due to the flooding. FrogBox Toronto assists Evergreen Brickworks by donating 1% of revenue sales each year.

Most recently, Ontario experienced severe weather resulting in the falling of many trees. Kitchener-Waterloo FrogBox Franchise owner, Mike Arnold, began cleaning up tree debris in his own neighborhood and realized that the Kitchener-Waterloo could really use his help. Mike understood that many people; including seniors did not have the means to hire someone to help, so in return, he requested donations to the local food bank as payment.

FrogBox believes in stepping up in your community during difficult times. Helping one another out is not only satisfying, but it also spreads positivity and hope to others. One act of kindness can quickly impact the lives of many, and we look forward to continuing to service our communities.